Dog club near Haverhill quot Take the Lead . Take the.... - Cambridge - Dogs for sale, puppies for sale, Cambridge - 38167


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Dog club near Haverhill quot Take the Lead". Take the.... - Dogs for sale, puppies for sale

Ref. number: 38167 Updated: 14-10-2009 01:02 by Mobiya via

Offering: Dogs for sale, puppies for sale in United Kingdom, Cambridge

Dog club near Haverhill quot Take the Lead". Take the Lead is an established dog club where your dog/puppy will learn social skills and basic training through exercises and games. Run by an experienced trainer, classes are held Friday evenings at Withersfield village hall (about a mile and a half from Haverhill). Unlke most other dog clubs you don't pay up front. It is "Pay as you go", you only pay for the classes you attend, so if you cannot attend one week, you don't lose your money. The trainer is realy freindly and the classes are very easy going and relaxed. Adult dogs or puppies welcome. A few spaces still availble, so why not give it a try. Phone Haverhill 702285 for more detials.

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